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Slave-Free Alliance News

Slave-Free Alliance Annual Conference 2024: A global forum for change

Our annual conference takes place in Manchester on 21st November. Tickets are available to non-members for the first time with an earlybird discount available, while members can still access free tickets. We will explore the OECD Due Diligence Guidance as a global standard for human rights in supply chains, and how to be compliant with upcoming and recently passed legislation and directives.

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A Call to Corporate Leaders to Combat Modern Slavery

In today’s interconnected global economy, corporations hold unprecedented power and responsibility. Today, there are almost 50 million people trapped in modern slavery around the world. That’s 1 in every 150 people. This means the urgency to raise awareness and take decisive action has never been more paramount.

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The Role of Internal Awareness Campaigns in Preventing Modern Slavery

Tragically, modern slavery remains a fact of life in today’s globalised world. Taking the form of forced labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, and other exploitative practices, it traps millions in conditions of severe exploitation. Businesses have a crucial role in preventing this issue by fostering a culture of awareness and vigilance among their employees. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through comprehensive internal awareness campaigns.

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Shein’s Potential London IPO: A Human Rights Analysis for Investors

Shein, the world’s largest fashion retailer, is preparing for a potential listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). With an estimated valuation of £53 billion, it would be one of the largest IPOs in London’s history, representing both a significant milestone for the Chinese brand, founded in 2008, and substantial potential returns for the financial institutions considering investment.

While the opportunities for investors may be attractive, the company’s human rights record, which includes allegations of forced labour, poor working conditions, and failing to make required public disclosures under the UK Modern Slavery Act, raises considerable concerns.

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‘Tis the season to be … vigilant!

Christmas preparations are in full swing. Roads and rail networks are congested with increased traffic delivering goods to warehouses, shops, and homes. Businesses thrive, and consumers eagerly seek bargains for the perfect Christmas, striving for the festive scenes and goodwill portrayed in the ads that have been on repeat since Halloween.

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Slave-Free Alliance: A Global Forum for Change – Post Conference Review

It was a day to remember! All of us at Slave-Free Alliance would like to thank all those who took the time to participate in our latest Annual Conference, held in London on 27th September 2023. We welcomed nearly 100 delegates from 51 different organisations, all with the common goal of ending modern slavery and exploitation and changing lives.

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Canada passes tough supply chains legislation

Canada has joined the list of countries taking decisive action on forced labour in supply chains, after passing Bill S-211 this week. The new law means that Canadian businesses must report in detail on what they are doing to identify, address and prevent forced labour, prison labour and child labour in their supply chains. It is set to come into force from January 1, 2024.

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