Train the Trainer: Modern Slavery Awareness

modern slavery training

Modern Slavery Awareness: Train the Trainer

Course components: Four stages

Slave-Free Alliance Our Services Modern Slavery Training Train the Trainer: Modern Slavery Awareness

About this course

Slave-Free Alliance’s Modern Slavery Awareness: Train the Trainer course is a fourstage programme that equips attendees to design and deliver in-house Modern Slavery Awareness training across their organisation and supply chain. 

This comprehensive programme teaches attendees current modern slavery informationprovides specialist support to create and deliver a tailored course with clear objectives and promotes effective delivery methods. 

From this course, organisations will have a team of capable trainers who can deliver a one hour Modern Slavery Awareness course to their colleagues and stakeholders.  

Slave-Free Alliance Training

What will you learn?

The Train the Trainer programme includes:  

  • Stage 1: Attend Slave-Free Alliance’s Taking Action Against Modern Slavery course (3 hours)

  • Stage 2: Bespoke training consultation and solution design

  • Stage 3: Live training demonstration and practice

  • Stage 4: Train the Trainer review (6-12 months after completion of stage 3)

Each of these four stages are thorough and in-depth. Get in touch to receive more information on what we cover in each of the stages. The time-frame can be discussed too. 

Who is it for?

Attendees do not need prior knowledge of modern slavery to be selected for the course, however they will need a keen interest in taking an in-house training programme forward.  

We can customise some of the material to suit your organisation, sector and industry.

Extensive changes may incur additional cost. 

“The training delivered by Slave-Free Alliance is second-to- none, and we’re hoping to work together to extend these learnings across more of our sites in the near future.”
Sam Ludlow-Taylor
Ethical Trade Manager, Waitrose & Partners
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