Let Slave-Free Alliance become an extension of your team.
Slave-Free Alliance’s membership programme is for organisations of all sizes and from every sector.
Partner with Slave-Free Alliance for the long term to build your understanding of modern slavery, share this understanding across your value chain and develop a holistic response to address the risks.

Regardless of size, every Slave-Free Alliance member gets dedicated, specialist support with:
- Protecting your organisation, supply chain and people
- Compliance and changes to legislation
- Demonstrating commitment to addressing modern slavery risk
- Adapting to the evolving practices of modern slavery
Membership features include:
A Technical Service Manager and Accounts Manager is assigned to you, and will be on-hand to guide you through your membership journey and deliver key services.
We can review your Modern Slavery Statement and relevant policies to strengthen your governance and processes for addressing modern slavery.
Start your membership journey with an interactive, organisation-wide analysis of best practice and areas for improvement in addressing modern slavery. This informs the action plan for the duration of your supported membership.
We will help you develop an effective action plan to improve your response to modern slavery.
Use your allocated consultancy hours from Slave-Free Alliance towards technical services such as site assessments, due diligence exercises or risk management approaches.
Allocated credit towards Slave-Free Alliance training courses to upskill your teams.
Get member-exclusive access to Slave-Free Alliance’s deep-dive seminars and webinars. These events cover global developments and provide practical actions on important topics, such as the situation in China, developing an anti-slavery strategy, effective risk management and much more.
Receive Slave-Free Alliance’s members-only newsletter and access resources such as our Briefing on the UK Modern Slavery Statement Registry and Guide to Global Anti-Slavery Legislation for Organisations. Use our logo on your Modern Slavery Statements and anti-slavery communications.
Receive discounts on our technical and training services that go beyond your membership allocation. View our whole suite of flexible and affordable Services.
Access our community shared-space to ask questions, get advice and share information.
*depends on level of membership
From boutique hotels to multi-national firms, membership packages are tailored to need and size, so all organisations can access the benefits to bring about lasting strategic change and work towards slave-free operations and supply chains.
For more information on what Slave-Free Alliance membership might look like for you and your organisation, get in touch.
Just some of our members