Webinar: Gartner’s Koray Köse on Supply Chain Visibility & Management

We are delighted that Koray Köse, a Senior Director Analyst in Gartner’s Supply Chain Operations team, will speak at our upcoming Slave-Free Alliance webinar on Tuesday, 25 October 2022, on the topic of Supply Chain Visibility & Management.

Koray will cover: risk management and mitigation; where to start; what to prioritize; when to expect results and when to set alignment with stakeholders; and insights on how to measure risk. Human trafficking is an issue that causes significant exposure to supply chain reputational and compliance risks, among others.

This session provides actionable insights to protect your supply chains while unlocking new ecosystems of suppliers.

For information and to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gartners-koray-kose-on-supply-chain-visibility-management-tickets-393011055647

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