Anti-Slavery Day 2024


What are you doing to mark Anti-Slavery Day?

Anti-Slavery Day is October 18th

Anti-Slavery Day is marked every year on October 18th.

This Anti-Slavery Week runs between 14th-20th October 2023 – join us in shining the spotlight on the hidden crime of modern slavery.  

It’s a great platform to raise awareness of the issue in our own organisations, engage with our colleagues, customers, suppliers and partners about it and show what is being done to address modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. Members can highlight how membership of Slave-Free Alliance is helping to fund anti-slavery projects around the world run by our parent charity, Hope for Justice too.

Addressing modern slavery sits firmly in the ‘S’ of the ESG agenda; it’s part of how we should consider the impact of our organisations‘ initiatives on workers and the communities in which we operate.

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